Sustainability and ESG

Sustainability and ESG

The world has changed. Consumers and employees have increasingly different expectations, both of the businesses they buy from, and work for. Leaders are under pressure from regulators and the market to prove that their organizations are acting responsibly and acting sustainably. Now, more than ever, it’s important to embed ESG in their business strategy to build a resilient business set to thrive in the new reality and to play their part in making the world a more sustainable and better place for everyone.

By the start of this year, we were delighted to announce to all employees that we have fully offset our 2020 energy usage. Looking to improve upon this, we intend to continue to offset our energy usage and have a comprehensive environmental, social and governance (ESG) policy in place by the end of 2022.

With increased awareness and public understanding about climate change, demand is growing from various quarters for businesses to be more carbon aware and state what their ESG policy is